Established in 2006, MWA is an internationally-based collaboration of Muslim women writers and advocates working together to counter negative and inaccurate perceptions regarding members of the Muslim community and the Islamic faith.


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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reaching Out to Others by MWA member Jennifer Kabir

By Jennifer Kabir

When you have the opportunity to listen to someone speak on a topic several times you begin to notice a common thread running through what they say. I listened intently to daee Aminah Assilmi each time I had the pleasure of listening to her thoughts on this life, Islam and being.

After awhile I began to notice some questions she posed would seem to repeat themselves. Inquiries as to how many of us ever ventured outside of our Muslim communities to interact with others over any good cause was one such question that seemed to be posed at the end of every speaking event she headed.

The responses that seemed to allude to, "Oh yes…that’s me-I’m out there being a part of the grand scheme of things…" were illusive to say the least. (Read More)

Jennifer Kabir is a journalist, wife, and mother of two. She came to Islam a little over ten years ago. Raised in a traditional American family, Jennifer lived in Southern California for the majority of her life and later moved with her husband to Michigan. The story of how Jennifer came to Islam can be read here.