Established in 2006, MWA is an internationally-based collaboration of Muslim women writers and advocates working together to counter negative and inaccurate perceptions regarding members of the Muslim community and the Islamic faith.


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

MWA member Zainab John Reviews From My Sisters’ Lips by Na’ima B. Robert

A very informative, insightful and engaging read. I agree with some readers who felt that the essence of the book or its core message was one of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
From my Sisters’ Lips is a very honest and intimate account of the Author’s journey towards Islam and her experiences transitioning from her western lifestyle. The Author’s story is interwoven with anecdotes and insights from other Muslim women (mostly reverts) who candidly shared their journey and experiences as new Muslims with the Author. It is through their common love for Islam and common experiences as reverts that the Author forms a strong bond with these women – each shared knowledge of Islam as they knew it and gave support to each other every step of the way, painting a beautiful picture of sisterhood.
Na’ima and these women have defied common negative stereotypes and perceptions of Muslim women by the west by showing the positive impact Islam has on their lives as intelligent modern-day women from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds brought up and living in a western society with strong western influences and values.
The Author and these women deserve nothing less than to be admired for their strength and courage to embrace a way of life that is often heavily criticised and degraded by mainstream media. Not forgetting the strength and courage they demonstrated in dealing with their non-Muslim parents and other family members and friends.
The reader is also given a fresh perspective of Islam through the eyes of new reverts.
I would recommend this book to new reverts who are seeking added inspiration and encouragement or someone thinking of converting to Islam or a Muslim interested in reverts affairs.

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